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home Weather/Climate Tropical Depression 7

Tropical Depression 7

This new storm popped up on the radar this morning, dubbed “Tropical Depression 7” by the National Hurricane Center, which anticipates the system developing into a tropical storm later in the day.

As storm years go, Hurricane Season 2022 may be one for the history books. It commenced quietly in June, and remained sleepy through July and August.

TOO sleepy for many experts and old Florida hands. It is mid-September, and we have yet to even see a tropical storm in Florida, much less a hurricane. But that may be about to change.

#7 looks appears to have the state in its cross-hairs as it churns westward into the Caribbean, deciding its future path and strength.

So be prepared, and consult our preparations page published June 1st. It contains all the resources you should need, should we get UN-lucky with #7.

CLICK HERE for the Spoonbill Courier Hurricane Season Preparations page.

NHC Statement:

1.  The system is expected to move through the Leeward Islands on 
Friday or Friday night, bringing heavy rainfall and possible wind 
impacts. Interests in the Leeward Islands should monitor the 
progress of the depression as tropical storm watches could be 
required for some islands later today. 

2.  The system could move near or over portions of the Virgin 
Islands, Puerto Rico, and Hispaniola this weekend and early next 
week, potentially bringing heavy rainfall and some wind impacts to 
these areas, and interests there should monitor the progress of the 

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