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St. Augustine Veterans’ Clinic Opens Today

New St. Augustine Clinic for Veterans

The new St. Augustine Veterans Affairs (VA) Clinic on SR 207 opens today (June 22, 2021). (Photo above shows the facility under construction)

The new facility is officially located at 100 Deerfield Preserve Blvd. St. Augustine, FL 32086, off SR 207.

The clinic will effectively replace the Southpark Blvd. location that same day. Veterans who have appointments scheduled at the St. Augustine VA Clinic on or after June 22, 2021, will be seen at the new location.

“During the transition to the new site, we will continue to have staff at our current location to address urgent medical needs,” said Thomas McKenzie, the clinic’s Chief Medical Officer.

The new state of the art clinic is 16,595 square feet and has ample parking. Existing services will remain to include Primary Care, Mental Health, Phlebotomy, Podiatry, Physical Therapy, and Virtual Care. 

“This is a great achievement for the NF/SGVHS,” said Health System Director, Thomas Wisnieski. “The modern facility is larger than our previous locations in St. John’s County and will provide the needed resources for us to continue to care for our nation’s heroes.”

Veterans interested in enrolling for VA health care who are not currently an established patient at the clinic can call 904 823-2960, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday and ask for eligibility and enrollment.

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