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home Marsh Creek Community, Yummy Recipes Roasted Salmon Glazed With Brown Sugar and Mustard

Roasted Salmon Glazed With Brown Sugar and Mustard

Louise Nelson
By Sam Sifton, shared from the NY Times by Louise Nelson

  • Yield Number of servings vary
  • Time 15 minutes

This is what we call around here a no-recipe recipe, the sort of meal you can cook once off a card and you’ll know it by heart: salmon glazed with brown sugar and mustard. The preparation could not be simpler.

Heat your oven to 400. Make a mixture of Dijon mustard and brown sugar to the degree of spicy-sweetness that pleases you. Salt and pepper the salmon fillets.

Place them skin-side down on a lightly oiled, foil-lined baking sheet, slather the tops with the mustard and brown sugar glaze and slide them into the top half of your oven.

They ought to be done in 12 minutes or so, and they pair beautifully with simple braised greens.

Photo by Linda Xiao for The New York Times

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2 thoughts on “Roasted Salmon Glazed With Brown Sugar and Mustard

  1. This sounds almost too easy, and I’ll bet it’s tasty too! Thanks for posting, Lou!

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