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home Kayak, Marsh Creek Community Paddling Silver River

Paddling Silver River

By Peter Clayton

Four of us enjoyed the unparalleled beauty of Silver River in surprisingly pleasant temps with a slight breeze and mostly cloudy conditions. Never have we seen so many wood ducks, none of which were alarmed by our presence – not having a young brood to care for may have been the difference. The colorful flora along the banks was the other highlight plus the magnificent cypress and oaks. Thanks to Ellis and Marty for the photos.

The water level was the lowest we’ve seen but the clarity was good. We met a couple who had a pair of new Hobie’s – they were flatter (almost like a paddle board), had rudders and pedals but were shorter (10′) and lighter (45 lbs.) with a detachable shade cover and a small electric motor with battery (extras).

Our future outings will be limited by the weather but we plan to schedule a lunch occasionally – stay tuned.

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