Spoonbill Courier

Letters from Readers

Gate Car Wash and Fisher Island

I have a petition … (regarding) the new Gates gas station to be built at the entrance to our SAVED Fish Island. I am sure you know about Fish Island and all the effort that has gone into saving that fabulous piece of property that backs up to Marsh Creek. Every homeowner in this community needs to support anything Fish Island.
Here is the URL for the petition against Gates car wash.

Val D’Andrea, vdandrea@comcast.net  

Cars on the Beach

Do most people enjoy the presence of vehicles churning up sand, emitting noise and gas, and endangering pedestrians on a beach? Do most people not care about the natural beauty of a beach and its desecration by unnatural, inappropriate machines? Do people enjoy the beach-length trenches gouged out by wheels, which are not only ugly, but dangerous? (Careful—don’t step in one and twist an ankle!) Do people find it not a little absurd to have their property taxes pay for other vehicles to come and smooth out the trenches before they’re gouged out again the next day? Before moving to St. Augustine I never saw people driving vehicles across a beach. Am I an oversensitive idiot who enjoys the natural beauty of a beach, or are there others who feel as I do? If there are others who would like the driving of vehicles restricted to roads made for that purpose, what can we do about it?

Michael Read, mickread@gmail.com

Spoonbill Courier

THANK YOU so much for setting up this site. I spoke with Eileen Scheid yesterday and she told me about The Spoonbill…and she sent me the link to “sign up”. Thanks again
Carol Lorenc, chlorenc@comcast.net

Dear Daphne

Hi Daphne,
This is your BFF, Paislee. I am so glad you are doing this for the community. It is a good way to make more doggie and kitty friends.
I would like to become friends with those big doggies in the neighborhood and I pull my mom and dad all over the neighborhood to try and chase them. Help!! How do I stop doing that?

Sharon Mirzai, mellosma55@gmail.com

Great seeing you last night…..and thanks for telling my mom about this site. I look forward to hearing about all the other fur babies in Marsh Creek.
See you around the block.
Your beagle friend, Dazy

Brenda Shambach, brensham@comcast.net

The Bespectacled Reader

Marty as usual you think of a wonderful ways to catch our eye on an interesting read. So glad the Bespectacled Reader is writing again. Happy birthday tomorrow.

Martha Gardner, wewsmemom@aol.com

Only you Marty would think of using an old refrigerator for something! GREAT idea! Hope the weather in Maine has been cooler than here. Awful heat and humidity.
Stay well!
Maureen Zygmont1, zygm@aol.com

Gardening with Succulents

I enjoy growing succulents, as well Dianna, but none quite as spectacular as yours! Looks like I’ll have to up my game! Happy gardening!

Brenda Fenech-Soler, brenda@impconcepts.com

Life in a Pandemic

Great description of life in the time of Corona! Feeling a bit “ground-hoggy” myself! LOL!

Brenda Fenech-Soler, brenda@impconcepts.com

That is my life, including the dead car battery! I pray this will pass sooner rather than later. We are blessed to be living in a safe and peaceful community. Things could always be worse.

Mary Jo Wilson, mjwilson1939@gmail.com

Loved it! So true and so poetically written. As boring as things are right now, we are so fortunate to be in a beautiful community where we do get to get together with close friends. And oh, what those friendships mean!

Ann Reid, annmikereid@gmail.com

A great nothing – happened story Brian. I really enjoyed it and felt we had a chat today. That is the point of the Courier … to keep in touch.

Luba Estes, lubaestes@icloud.com

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