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home Weather/Climate Ian Arrives Mid-Week

Ian Arrives Mid-Week

At 5am, the National Hurricane Center gave our first Florida storm of the year a name: Ian.

Tropical Storm Ian remains a threat to Florida, expecting to develop into a hurricane sometime Sunday. Once past Cuba, it is anticipated Ian will increase in strength into a major hurricane over the open Gulf waters.

Landfall (yes, it is still early and the cone can change direction) is expected near Tampa Wednesday night or Thursday morning, with a likely path northeast across the state to St. Augustine and Jacksonville.

Tropical storm or hurricane force winds will be felt as far west as Alabama by Tuesday evening.

Again, forecasts at this early stage do not have perfect accuracy. The storm’s direction can shift. The impact locally will depend on the potential for storm degradation over land, which may reduce wind force yet slow the system down causing greater flooding from more sustained rains.

Make your hurricane preparations now.

CLICK HERE for the Spoonbill Courier Hurricane Season Preparations page.

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4 thoughts on “Ian Arrives Mid-Week

  1. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, Brian! Your posts on important, more critical issues/topics relative to our Community/City,/County are so very appreciated….at least by me they are! Please, keep them coming!

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