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home Marsh Creek Community Frankly, It’s His Birthday

Frankly, It’s His Birthday

Staring out at a sunset is often used as a metaphorical tool to signal someone or something is near the end.

But when it comes to Frank Delzingaro, if that was your bet, you’d likely lose it.

Frank turns 89 today. Sure, he has a hearing problem, At that age, who doesn’t?

But this former bomber pilot and body builder retains incredible stores of youthful energy. He has a love of life to embarrass people half his age, and a personal history difficult to match.

As a birthday gift, one of his many friends in the Villas, Bob Arbogast, (L) applied his artistic talents to paint this man’s image onto canvas.

You may catch Frank cruising Marsh Creek in his convertible red Jaguar. Give the man a wave, or maybe a salute. Either way, you’ll be honoring a real Italian Stallion.

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4 thoughts on “Frankly, It’s His Birthday

  1. Thank you so much for your article Brian and this surprise birthday message. And thanks again to Bob for this incredible watercolor. I love my Marsh Creek neighbors!

  2. Frank is one of our Marsh Creek treasures! An inspiration and model for exploiting life to the fullest.
    Happy Birthday!

  3. Great article – having just celebrated my 80th, Frank has set the bar for me for the next decade. I’m guessing his secret is his physical workout but also gardening, Italian food and a loving wife.

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