… ooooooofffff!!
You can probably tell I’m dragging a bit. Welcome to the “dog days of summer”!
Supposedly, this is the time of the year when dogs “go crazy” because of the heat.
Humans … really?? Sheeesh!
When they don’t really know the origin of a phrase, they make up a “plausible” explanation! I’m quite offended by this laying of blame on human’s best friend.
So, smart poodle that I am, I went to Google and found this: “Those punishingly hot summer days get their name from an ancient belief about the brightest star in the sky—Sirius, which is in the constellation, Canis Major (“big dog”).” And this year, those dates are July 3 – August 11.
Of course, if you humans cooled through your mouths, you’d be panting, too!
Important Notice For All My 4-Legged Friends!
I hope you saw the recent Spoonbill Courier article about the sick raccoon in Marsh Creek. Well, after reading it, my shelty friend, Mack (Anzivino), stopped me on the street to ask that I share an important message:
PLEASE remind your parents to keep your vaccinations up to date!!
Distemper and rabies are nasty, and I don’t want to hear about any infections! Mack nudged HIS folks to be sure he and his siblings—Harry, Margaret, and Molly) keep current on their shots. Thanks, Mack, for your service to our community!

Tango’s Journal—Days 3 and 4
I hope you enjoyed the first two days of Tango’s stay-cation journal while his folks (Jan and Dom Vita) were out of town (see my column #13, 7/1/21). He asked me to share his next day with you:

“Whoa. Not. Ok. Michele woke me up at 5:30 in the morning. I know my mom told her I like a late, lazy wake up. But noooo. Walked, fed, and put in the car with the Red dog for a road trip. We left Red somewhere, and set off to what I later figured out was JD’s house. Brin was there too. She runs around yelling, so I usually just play with JD. Then back in the car to rescue the Red dog and then home. I was already tired, but Michele made me swim. She’s truly a monster, and will be telling on me to my parents. I mean it wasn’t terrible, but still. Then the pool guy came and Red was happy to see him, so I decided to play it a little cooler than usual. Luckily, she finally let me nap for hours and hours. After dinner, we went for another long walk and now I’m going back to bed. One tired Tango.“
Dearest Tango, what an adventure! I want to meet those pooches you got to play with! I met Michele and she seemed really nice…..she petted my head and said some nice things about me to Mom. She can’t be all that terrible; I bet you just missed your mom and dad. I hope she remembered you love sardines for breakfast! I wish I could have seen your reunion when your folks came home!
Pet Wear
Did you love the cool t-shirt the Bells contributed to my last column (#14, 7/19/21)? Well, I have to expand the fun t-shirt request to caps and even socks!
Donna Bell sent me the funniest cap!

They have 3 pups whom I can’t wait to meet! And Pat King (Chaos the cat’s mom) contributed her socks! Keep those pics coming!

Til next time, have great walks, enjoy new sniffs, and wag often! (And make sure your parents and walkers pick up and PROPERLY dispose of your poop!