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Covid-Clear Your Contractors

By Brian Nelson

Assumptions can be dangerous things.

We’ve all made them, relied on them, and often made poor decisions on them.

Very recently, our household hired a team of contractors, well-known in Marsh Creek, whom we “assumed” were vaccinated. They were not wearing masks when they came to paint our home’s exterior. Even the company owner came into our home to discuss the work without a mask.

Our first assumption. We “assumed” that he wouldn’t have … would he?

To be fair, this is an exterior painting job, all outdoors. Shouldn’t be much of a problem, right? Especially since most of us Creekers in our 60s and 70s have been vaccinated. Remember when things got so much brighter early in the summer that officials advised that we could go mask-less with other vaccinated people, even indoors?

A fair call, on balance. But we let our guard down a bit, thinking, hoping, the pandemic was ending.

On Monday, one of our painters (probably in his mid to late 40s) and I came into close proximity. He helpfully showed me white samples he applied to a window sill. We were close, with no masks, but we we’re outside and it was a rather short encounter.

On Tuesday, the fellow called in sick.

On Wednesday, he called in sick again.

Two co-workers told me they believe he is ill with Covid. I hope they are wrong. For him, and for us.

It was then I learned the whole team – always mask-less – had not received a single vaccine shot between the four of them.

“Irresponsible!”, I complained to the owner.

Strangely, this 62 year old has a heart condition that his doctor said would put him at grave risk from Covid if he ever got it. He ignored the warning. He also failed to tell us he didn’t have the shot when he came into our home, mask-less.

Thankfully, he’s healthy at the moment. Still not sure about his employee.

And thankfully, we have been vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine, the gold standard. But, we now have to sweat a couple of things:

1 – We could come down with “Breakthrough-Covid” any day now.

Then again, if we are lucky and we don’t …

2 – We may become Covid-Carriers, infected non-sufferers who threaten others.

So, yes, we are going to self-isolate the minimum time required before seeking a Covid test to determine if we are infectious carriers.

And, if you’re wondering, the other healthy (so far) members of our painting team told me they “think” they will now get their shots. Even the owner. We’ll see.

UPDATE: The sick employee says he has received a “negative” Covid test and is returning to work. Some members of the team now have since gotten or will get their shots.

One other thing …

Here is a text message I received from a local friend, describing the scene at Flagler Hospital.

“Just sharing what my nurse friend in Flagler told me. … she said, her job in Flagler is exhausting and heartbreaking, all their patients in ICU and ICCU are all covid. Just last week, was the most heartbreaking she ever experienced, a family has Covid, the husband in ICU in his 40s , the wife ICCU, while their kid in the morgue.”

Their kid is in the morgue….”

Covid has crippled this family and it’s heartbreaking. And with the Delta variant and its sister-variants coming behind it, things may get much, much worse for all of us.

Be careful! And be sure to hire vaccinated contractors. If not, insist your contractors at least adhere to full mask compliance.

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5 thoughts on “Covid-Clear Your Contractors

  1. THANK YOU!!! Nelson, for the reminder to screen contractor(s) we allow into our homes. I will be interviewing a roofing contractor Wednesday morning and since I’m still recovering from triple bypass with graft ( (TOTALLY unexpected heart condition I didn’t know I had!!!, surgery 9 mths ago but hey, who’s counting) your reminder is on point and so very timely. “!GRACIAS!”

  2. Yesterday when leaving a doctor’s office, a woman and teenage girl, who I assumed was her daughter, came in without masks. They were asked if they had masks and when they said “no”, they were offered disposable ones which they accepted. Then the woman said, rather obstinately, ” that she had never worn a mask and didn’t intend to, but since it was a doctor’s office, she would abide by the rule.” You could bet that she had never been vaccinated! My only thought was, HOW SELFISH! I wonder if we will ever be able to live normal lives again when so many people refuse to be vaccinated or even wear masks.

  3. About three weeks ago a handyman (actually a woman in her ’40s) arrived at our house to discuss extensive interior renovations. She wore a mask, but nevertheless my wife, who is very cautious with respect to Covid, asked her if she had been vaccinated. When she replied that she hadn’t, my wife expressed her reluctance to admit her into the house. The handywoman replied that other clients had asked her to get vaccinated, and she was going to do so. We let her in on condition that she get vaccinated right away, which she agreed to do. She’s a very friendly, polite person and a skilled painter, carpenter, electrician, but never took vaccination seriously.

    Despite the upsurge in cases, I’d say the majority of customers in Publix still don’t wear masks. Why is this, and why does Florida have the highest number of cases in the country? The answer is a simple one: many, probably the majority, of people in this state and in others with high case loads, adamantly assert their personal freedom to act as they choose, regardless of the consequences to society at large. Imagine the outcry if the head of state attempted to make vaccination and mask wearing mandatory! In the ’50s, when I grew up, no one complained about receiving a polio vaccination. The contrast in attitude today is extraordinary, and doesn’t bode well for the future of this country.

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