Spoonbill Courier
home Kayak, Marsh Creek Community A MOMENT ON THE RIVER


By Theo Helms

The moment was on Thursday, 2/24/22…the morning we learned of
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Myself and six other Marsh Creek Kayakers
left our hotel in Alachua Florida to kayak the beautiful Santa Fe River near
High Springs. We headed toward the river with mixed emotions. On one
hand, we were excited and looking forward to paddling one of our favorite
rivers. On the other, we felt saddened by the events of the world that
morning. But that would not keep us from the river, and we knew we’d
experience that familiar sense of wonder… the one we always feel when
paddling through the beauty of one of Florida’s natural spring fed rivers.

Not halfway through our paddling journey, we saw a young couple sitting
near the riverbank. As I approached them, I jokingly asked “Are you having
a moment?”. In a heavy accent, the young man replied “You have no idea”.
And at that , the young lady raised her camera and started taking photos of
us. So naturally, I raised my camera and took a photo of them.

I turned around and paddled back upstream and I asked her if she wanted
me to email her a copy of the photo. She was thrilled about that and I
recorded her email on my phone. As I started to paddle away, I asked them
where they were from. She replied that she hailed from New York. I looked
at him and I immediately noticed that he seemed a bit more solemn. He
simply said “I’m from Ukraine. I’m pretty sure you guys know what’s
happening there.” I was somewhat at a loss for words but I managed to to
tell him that we all felt heartsick for the people of Ukraine. He became
emotional and didn’t reply. So I just smiled my best caring smile, nodded to
him, and drifted away to continue downstream.

As I paddled, I wondered what I would do if I were in his shoes. Where
would I find comfort in a situation that was so totally beyond my control?
For me it would be with family, with friends, and with NATURE. I felt a little
better knowing that he, at least, had two of those comforts in that “Moment
on the River”.

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