Spoonbill Courier
home Entertainment, Marsh Creek Community Concert in Marsh Creek Park Thursday

Concert in Marsh Creek Park Thursday

By Sharon Mirzai

There will be a Concert in the Park on Thursday, September 10 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm featuring Debby Owens and Tony T.   The rain date for this concert will be the following week,  September 17.

The Concerts in the Park started due to the pandemic shutdown.  It first began for people who live around the park as a trial.  Sharon and Tim Haszard were the featured artists. It was so well received that we opened it up to all.  Everyone practices social distancing and brings snacks, drinks, and chairs.  It gives neighbors an opportunity to be social, yet safe.  

A jar for donations is passed to pay the artists.  The past artists have been The Haszards and Dan Mantini.  This up and coming concert will be number five.  We are always looking for talented people, and we thank Kathy and Dennis Salvati for finding Deby Owens and Tony T for the next event.

If you know of someone interested in playing, please contact Sharon Mirzai at 904 377 1902.  We hope to make this a regular happening for the long term.

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