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Twin Tropical Depressions

Forecasters are watching a pair of tropical depressions, # 13 and 14 of the season, that have the southern US in their sights. Potentially, these two weather systems may merge next week. It’s a situation so rare, seasoned storm watchers aren’t sure what to make of it. But a lot can change over the next few days. Yet, pulling in behind is a third weather system, still a disturbance, leaving the coast of Africa on a similar heading.

How these two weather systems develop over the next few days will determine their initial threat level. But the bigger concern is how they will behave if they near each other. Will they merge? Will they strengthen or weaken? Will they shift east or west, thereby sparing some areas but threatening others? Even at the last minute?

Pay special attention to these forecasts over the weekend, prepare your home, and have an evacuation plan ready.

And get the latest from The National Hurricane Center here, or from the link on the Spoonbill Courier’s home page.

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