Spoonbill Courier


Editor’s Note: Our neighbor has asked to post this in Spoonbill. There may be someone may not necessarily needing “a job”, but who nonetheless wants to “give back” to a worthy organization. This may be an opportunity. Two of the positions were still open as of Monday afternoon.

By Meri-kathryn Peed

I have written to you before about my involvement as a  volunteer nurse at Wildflower clinic and how they have been going through a major reorganization recently. They have hired a new executive director and other key people but there are still some paying job opportunities. They are all work from home jobs:

Volunteer coordinator 30 hrs per week
Grant writer 20 hrs per week
Financial person 10 hrs per week
Those interested can find the job listings on indeed.com Maybe you can post this in the next spoonbill newsletter Thank you
MeriKathryn Peed

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