What Are Spoonbill Neighbors Up To?
· March 1st (Wednesday)
* Mahjong 1-3pm every Wednesday
For more information contact Donna Delzingaro: donna.delzingaro@gmail.com
· March 5th (Sunday)
*FIRST EVER BEACH BUMS!! Come hang out at the beach with friends & neighbors!
12 noon till……Meet off of Mary Street entrance.
· March 8th (Wednesday)
* 1:00-3:00 Mahjong
* Dining Out Couples 5:00 St Augustine Fish House & Oyster Co
· March 9th (Thursday)
*Walking Out of the Hood – Moses Creek Conservation Area
*Whisky Group 5:00
· March 12th (Sunday)
* GoGo will be attending the performance of the play Sylvia at Waterworks building 184 San Marco Ave 2:00
· March 15th (Wednesday)
*Lunch Bunch at Crabby’s 11:30
* Mahjong 1:00-3:00
· March 17th(Friday) St. Patrick’s Day
*Dining In Couples (group D) @ Jana & Mike’s, 5:30
***St Patrick’s Day! Wear green, drink green beer, plant a potato for good luck!
· March 22nd (Wednesday)
*Garden Club trip to the Jacksonville Arboretum and Gardens.
Meet in the parking lot at 11:30
*Mahjong 1:00-3:00
· March 24th (Friday)
*Wine Lovers at the Penny & Dave Jones’ 5:00
· March 29th (Wednesday)
*Mahjong 1:00-3:00
*Book Club 2:00-3:00 This month’s book: I Know This Much Is True, by Wally Lamb
at MK Peeds
· March 30th (Thursday)
*Mexican Train Dominos @ the Peeds, 6:30
· March 31st (Friday)
*Happy Hour at the Nelsons, 5pm. Be on he lookout for the email invite soon!
Men’s Kayaking group
Once a month, (except for July & August), the kayaking group leaves on a Wednesday for a 2 night/3 day trip. If interested contact Peter Clayton pac120691@aol.com
Mexican Train Group
Update: Presently there are 2 daytime singles groups and 2 evening couples groups. If you are interested in playing, or learning to play, contact Penny Jones (Dpjones@gmail.com)
One more thing…..
Bridge Anyone? Dianna Christakos would like to find fellow bridge players. If you are interested in playing bridge, please contact Dianna, ( dycdyc147@gmail.com )
As you can see, we have lots of different things going on. Please let us know if you see something interesting that you would like to join!

Spoonbill Neighbors is a social group open to all Marsh Creek residents. It provides a variety of social activities for neighbors to meet and socialize. Below is a list of the current activity/interest groups. If you are interested in learning more about the groups or joining any of the groups please Email the leaders, listed below, AND spoonbillneighbors@yahoo.com
- Book Club (BC) Louise Nelson – lzn@mindspring.com
- & Meri-Kathryn Peed – MKPeed@aol.com
- Community Outreach (CO) Louise Nelson – lzn@mindspring.com
- Dining In (DI) Meri-Kathryn Peed – MKPeed@aol.com
- Dining Out Couples (DOC) Ken & Sharon Wasmer – kwasmer1@gmail.com
- Games: Mahjong (G/MJ) Donna Delzingaro – donna.delzingaro@gmail.com &
- Joanne Naglieri – joannenags@hotmail.com
- Games :Dominos(G/D) Penny Jones – Dpjones02@gmail.com
- Girls Out Goofing Off (GoGo) Lorri Maloney – lmaloney58@gmail.com
- & Lisa Stern – sternL2001@aol.com
- Garden Club (GC) Helen Borisoff – helenborisoff@msn.com
- Happy Hour (HH) Lorri Maloney – lmaloney58@gmail.com
- & Lisa Stern – sternL2001@aol.com
- Kayaking (M/K) Peter Clayton – pac120691@aol.com
- Knitting Knockers(KK) Jeanette Lindenman – jlindenman@comcast.net
- Lunch Bunch (LB) Patti Nolton – obnpat@me.com
- Malt and Cigar (M/C) Ken Wasmer – kwasmer1@gmail.com
- Running (R) Lori Wilcox – sciscol@comcast.net
- Walking (W) Sue Whittle – faol.dheireadh@icloud.com
- Welcome Committee (WC) Donna Delzingaro – donna.delzingaro@gmail.com
- Wine Lovers (WL) Ken Wasmer – kwasmer1@gmail.com
Fantastic line up. Appreciate the work put into this program
Fantastic line up. Appreciate the work put into this program