Well, we made it to another year!
We withstood the threat of an offshore island development that would have disrupted life for many in Marsh Creek. And we also seem to have dampened enthusiasm for a car/boat storage unit on our community’s doorstep. And interest in an annexation feeler from St. Augustine Beach was decidedly negative. When it came to fully restocking our Board of Directors at the end of the year, we whiffed and will try again in this New Year. Marsh Creek’s generosity showed again with two successful food drives, and the community’s efforts in support of Audubon began to bear fruit once more with a new wave of eggs, hatchlings and babies. Our beach was replenished, for a time requiring a 30 minute walk to the water in some parts. And of course Spoonbill Neighbors was again a model to other neighborhoods, injecting fun and camaraderie into our community with Night of Lights and a multitude of social events. And let’s not forget our kayakers, without whom we’d never know some of the beauty of north Florida. Marsh Creek joined the 21st century with IQ Fiber, and rapid internet speeds, joining the Board’s successful efforts to employ new technology to save us dollars while keeping the community secure.

So, with all that said, and thanks to 2024, let’s welcome the New Year!

Very well done, Brian. See you in the new year.
Thanks for the super job you do for our community. Terrific!
Let’s hope that 2025 will be a great year for all of us.