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Watching Tropical Depression 9

The National Hurricane Center’s 5AM notice has added Tropical Depression 9 to its watch, with a forecast probability that the system will develop into a hurricane threatening Florida by the middle of next week.

The storm’s maximum sustained winds currently peak at 35 mph, just below tropical storm threshold. But as it moves deeper into the Caribbean basin and approaches Cuba, it will become a tropical storm and grow to hurricane strength, taking aim on Florida.

The western Florida Keys, and southwest Florida are likely to bear the initial brunt of the hurricane force winds. It remains too early to predict its later path or strength, although the entire state appears certain to be affected and Marsh Creek residents should consider taking precautions.

CLICK HERE for the Spoonbill Courier Hurricane Season Preparations page.

Meanwhile, Hurricane Fiona, which Florida was fortunate to dodge, is fast approaching Nova Scotia as a major hurricane. It is unusual for a storm system to sustain this level of strength this far north.

What was an almost unnaturally quiet Atlantic hurricane season just a few weeks ago has transformed into a familiar busy one for September.

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