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home Kayak, Marsh Creek Community Vilano to The Ancient City Paddle

Vilano to The Ancient City Paddle

By Theo Helms

Todays paddle from the Vilano boat ramp to the Ancient City gave me a chance to get a few good photos of a Great Blue Heron, Snowy Egret, an Osprey, and a Dolphin which surfaced only 30 yards away from our rest stop on Yeungling Island. 

By the way, the Snowy Egret was hiding from me until I paddled around to the other side of the grass he was in, and then I got a good photo… but also noticed an empty plastic bottle…which I picked up for the trash later. Mike and I both picked up beer cans which had floated onto Yeungling Island. We always endeavor to do our small part to clean up the launches, pullouts, and waterways we paddle.

Also, I got some good photos of our newest paddler, Matt Hablitzel, who joined us for the first time. He’s a good paddler and will be a great addition to our group!

Photos by Theo Helms

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One thought on “Vilano to The Ancient City Paddle

  1. Lovely photos Theo
    always enjoy your stories .I reread the story of finding the Canadian whiskey bottle with Peter and then what would have been his birthday you found another- a wonderful story
    I will send it on to his boys and grandsons
    enjoying New Jersey near my children and grandchildren and lots of things growing because it is the garden state after all
    do miss all my friends in Florida but I will be back and forth take care my friend Love Debbie

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