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Update on the SJC Development Fight

By Michael Read

To Fellow Marsh Creekers,

I’m pleased to report that our county commissioners rejected both the Adler Creek development and the Elkton Industrial Park project.

It’s uplifting to know that our commissioners will heed the voice of St. Johns County residents when they speak out. There are two more hearings you may want to attend:

October 4: three developments of 800+ homes and apartments at various points along SR 16, including two seven-story and one four-story apartment building.

October 18: very large Greenbriar Helow Project along CR210, which would destroy 2,100 acres to add 3,500 homes and retail/commercial buildings.

Please note: The final hearing is on October 18, not October 8. (My error in the Spoonbill Courier newsletter.)

South Anastasia Communities Association and Fight for St. Johns County want especially to thank all Marsh Creekers who are participating in this effort to curb irresponsible development.

Thank you,

Michael Read

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One thought on “Update on the SJC Development Fight

  1. Thank you Michael for keeping us abreast of what’s happening with over development in our piece of paradise.

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