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home Around Town & County UPDATE: County Launches Phase 1 Drive-Thru Vaccinations

UPDATE: County Launches Phase 1 Drive-Thru Vaccinations

SJC has announced the start of drive-thru vaccinations at the county Health Department beginning 9 am, Saturday, Jan 2, 2021, to include persons 65 years and older. Supplies are very limited on a daily basis.

NOTE: A Doctor’s Note is Required for Select COVID-19 Vaccine Patients

Those seeking a COVID-19 vaccination from the Department of Health in St. Johns County who take prescribed blood thinner medications must possess a doctor’s note to receive a vaccination.

The first phase of COVID-19 vaccines is designated for the following populations:
Healthcare worker with direct patient contact
Long-term care facility residents and staff
Persons 65 years of age and older

Drive Thru Vaccination Event:
Saturday January 2, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Sunday January 3, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

You will need to bring the following:
Please bring a pen to complete the Department of Health COVID-19
Vaccine Screening and Consent Form
Valid form of identification (Driver’s license, passport, etc)
NO PETS are allowed in vehicles
Additional Information:Information about the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine being distributed
Stay in your car unless otherwise directed by staff to exit.
NO PETS are allowed in the Drive-Thru
Wear a mask / face covering
WHERE:St. Johns County Health Department
200 San Sebastian View
St. Augustine, FL 32084

For updates about the vaccine and distribution:Call St Johns County COVID-19
Vaccine Hotline:

8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Daily
(904) 295-3711
Text: SJCVACCINE to 888777

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2 thoughts on “UPDATE: County Launches Phase 1 Drive-Thru Vaccinations

  1. thank you for this valuable info
    i imagine people are already in line w their pillows and blankets
    think i’ll hibernate some more until there’s a better supply
    the spoonbill courier is a great addition
    thanks for heading this up
    eileen scheid

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