Spoonbill Courier

Trepidatious Travel Ahead

By Marty Round

Hi everyone, The Bespectacled Reader is back!

Yes, of course, I am still reading a lot, but it has been interspersed with watching Wimbledon of late.  One of these days someone other than Djokovic will win the Men’s Title.  The Women’s Title has been a bit more up for grabs since Serena’s injury last year and Ash Barty’s retirement, so it is a bit more compelling to view.

 After 126 visits to Stars for physical therapy over the course of 13 months, Medicare ruled “enough”.  So my cane and I go to the fitness center 3 or 4 times a week in the quieter afternoon when I can usually use the 4 machines Peter suggested I try: the lower treadmill, the recumbent bike, and two weight machines for upper body conditioning.  I watch with envy those physically unimpaired walk far faster than I (Some even run!  What’s that?) and without holding on.  I tend to have a death grip on that bar… if I let go, I stagger!  Each week I add a few more ticks of speed and another minute, to build up my endurance.  I know one thing for sure: I could never be a gym rat!  I go because I must, not because I like it.

     Would all my loyal readers say a prayer for no glitches of any kind on a July 31st, please?  I have a quick trip to Maine planned, using Elite Airways which flies from our municipal airport directly to Portland, the only way I would consider going …. no stopovers with chances of long delays or cancelled flights.  Then, another prayer for similar conditions on August 13th, my planned return.  My daughter-in-law will drive up from Williamsburg to help out.  I have to bring my frayed courage to the forefront and give it a try even though I find the whole idea nerve-wracking.  The cottage is on a hill and has three levels.  The dock is at the bottom of the hill, as is the beach … those two places will not see me this summer, if ever again.  The climb back up was getting difficult before surgery! 

       Stay tuned.  I will let you know how things went.  One thing I do know…I will spend time with my brother and his wife whose cottage is nearby and whom I haven’t seen in nearly two years! 

Be safe, everyone.  This new variant of Omicron is a toughie!

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2 thoughts on “Trepidatious Travel Ahead

  1. Safe travels Marty. Hope you have a wonderful time in Maine, especially this time of the year and your visit with family and friends. Prayers are on the way!

  2. I know your struggle, but every inch of improve means progress. Good luck! Hans B.

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