Spoonbill Courier

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4 thoughts on “The Vaccine Game

  1. It seems that the St. Johns County is finally getting their act together. I had no difficulty going on line to get an appointment here. The problem I have now I can’t seem to cancel my appointment in Jax! What a shame!

  2. After being on “hold” for the Publix vaccine I decided to call the number provided. A real person answered and I said I wanted to get in line for the vaccine. The rep asked if I wanted to schedule and appointment and so I did right then and there. Yes, I hate the drive but I’ll throw in a Costco trip and make it worth while. Why can’t St. Johns be this efficient?
    Ann Reid

  3. Frustrated and more than annoyed at the County’s administration of COVID vaccines, not forgetting to throw in Publix, I opted to contact the Duval/Jacksonville Vaccine Distribution Center at the Regency Mall (904) 531-4501, or 1-866-200-3762) and as prompted by the recording, left my name and telephone number…of course, not 10 seconds after hanging up, let out a sigh as I thought this too will end up going into a rabbit’s hole. LOW AND BEHOLD, less than a week later, I received a phone call from an intake nurse and a matter of minutes received a time and date for my first COVID vaccine! Efficient, professional, life saving. I’ll admit, wasn’t thrilled at first thought of driving an hour to get a shot in the arm, but the piece of mind of finally getting a vaccine, priceless!!! I can live with a ‘slight inconvenience’. Readers frustrated by St. Johns County’s VOVID vaccine quagmire, consider contacting Duval Regency Mall, at least that FL County has its ACT TOGETHER!

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