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home Kayak, Marsh Creek Community The Haw Creek Paddle

The Haw Creek Paddle

By Peter Clayton

Haw during Spring/Summer is definitely one of our most beautiful paddles. It’s all natural and the trees, especially cypress and live oak, are magnificent. Bud, Chris, Steve M., John S. and I were on the water by 9:20 and greeted by a swallow tailed kite that drifted over our heads. Fish were jumping everywhere, butterflies drifted among the haw trees and bugs skated on top of the water – it was amazing. We passed a couple kayaking in the other direction but saw no one else. The weather was delightful with a breeze to keep us cool. We reached our rest stop at 10:20 – no owl this time but plenty of shade. We pulled out at 11:45 and enjoyed lunch at the Bantam Chef in Bunnell, just beating the lunch rush.

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