Spoonbill Courier
home Kayak, Marsh Creek Community The Durbin Creek Paddle

The Durbin Creek Paddle

By Peter Clayton

We did this paddle last Spring so the change of season was definitely noticeable – see photos. The weather was crisp with a 15 mph wind from the NW – all were in the water by 10:15 – unfortunately Bill May was literally in the water – as his seat slipped as he launched causing a flip. Thankfully a change of clothes was at hand so we continued on.

At the outset, the creek is quite narrow and had a lot of water hyacinth which slowed progress. Also, we encountered some deadfalls plus a tree spanning the waterway which we all managed to get over. While the traffic noise reminded us where we were, the surroundings were pristine and for the first time we saw wood storks in addition to the usual white ibis, great egrets, little blue herons and kingfishers.

As the creek widened, the wind became more of a factor – it was in our faces – and developments appeared on the left side – very nice homes. Unfortunately there was no rest stop. So after 3 hours of paddling, no one had the energy to spring out of their boats when we docked. But a delicious meal at Julington Creek Fish Camp revived everyone. Photos from Stan Hill to follow.

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