By Meri-Kathryn Peed
As a kid of the 50’s, growing up in New Jersey, I loved visiting my grandparents in Daytona Beach on school vacations. Some of the highlights of those visits were my family driving on the beach day or night FREE, playing miniature golf on top of the boardwalk arcades, taking the gondola ride through the air from the boardwalk out to the end of the main street pier, eating at Morrison’s cafeteria on Beach street where you could see your meal and pick what you wanted, and going to the Neptune Drive- In Movies on A1A for a double feature.

Perhaps one of the best, was going to that same drive-in theater in my PJ’s or swimsuit, for CHURCH, yes church on Sunday.
Well all of those activities except one are just memories. The one activity you can still do is go to the Drive- In Christian Church every Sunday for the 8:30 or 10:00 service , and yes you can go in a bathing suit, PJ’s and even take your dog or cat.
Back in 1953 the Disciples of Christ began renting the Drive-In theater on Sundays to hold services to eventually raise enough money to buy property to build a free-standing church. The minister (of which there have been only 3 over all those years) would stand in front of the big screen and you would listen to the service through the movie speakers. The concession stand would serve coffee, milk, and doughnuts before and after the service. Well as the years passed and the Drive-In theater lost its popularity for showing movies, and the church gained in popularity, the church bought the property.

Much has changes since then. Now you listen to the service on your radio, station 88.5 or watch the service on Facebook,. The old concession stand has been replaced by a beautiful family life center where there are many activities throughout the week, including yoga, Bible studies, choir practice, Youth Group and Sunday school. People are encouraged to attend any of the activities and services, even if you are only in the area for a vacation, or part of the year.

During the pandemic, when many of us could not attend our home church, the Drive-In church welcomed people from other churches. These visitors were encouraged to continue to support their home church while attending the drive-in church.
Whether you decide to visit once, or to make a habit of taking the lovely Sunday morning drive down A1A to Daytona Beach, it will be a one-of-a-kind experience that might just become one of YOUR favorite memories. Check out their web site or Facebook page for more information.

For those interested in a different Easter service this year:
Holy Week Services:
Maundy Thursday Drive In Communion Service 7pm
Easter Sunrise 6:30am & Easter Worship 8:30am & 10am
Live streaming of all services is available on YouTube & Facebook.
You’re welcome to bring your own communion elements or use the pre-packaged sets provided.
140 South Atlantic Avenue, Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118 (386) 767-8761
Wonderful article! I’m so glad you can continue to live your memories!
Absolutely We go most Sundays for the 10:00 service leaving here at 8:30. Lets see what we can put together.
Delightful story Mary-Kathryn, maybe we should organize a Marsh Creek caravan one Sunday!