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home Marsh Creek Community The Changing Face of Marsh Creek

The Changing Face of Marsh Creek

By Peggy Gachet

Our community has undergone a major shift in demographics over the past two years.  So many people who purchased lots or homes in Marsh Creek at the very beginning of development were working in outside states with one common goal: to retire in FL.  Some bought lots, some homes but all knew where they wanted to call HOME.  As they retired and began to spend more and more time in the neighborhood their base of close friends grew.   Most were contemporaries in their early 50’s and 60’s, were very active and many continue to be today. 

One thing that doesn’t stand still, however, is time. We all age.  A lot of those original owners have moved on and others have taken their place at the Marsh Creek table of life.  Some of the newcomers are starting their retirement journey while others are just starting families. 

As of Saturday morning 4.24.2021, there have been over 60 homes sold in the last 12 months. In a community of roughly 650, that represents an almost 100% increase in typical year sales.

The data present the opportunity for all of us to embrace new neighbors and make new friends. Some newcomers are snowbirds and will be leaving soon for more temperate summer temperatures. If you haven’t met your new neighbor, why not drop by with your phone number and offer to check on their property while they are gone. Let’s reinforce the reasons they’ve chosen to live in Marsh Creek and give them something to look forward to when they return – New Friends.

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