Spoonbill Courier
home Marsh Creek Community The Car Wash Girls

The Car Wash Girls

Late on a recent Sunday afternoon, there was a loud banging on the front door.

Visitors don’t often notice the doorbell for some reason. But whomever this was, I thought, they surely mean business.

Indeed, they did.

Four pretty little imps had determined we were to be their next customers.

And we were certainly going to pay up.

In return, the quartet was going to wash our car.

Or cars.

One, two? Didn’t matter. They were going to wash, and we were going to pay.

Meet The Car Wash Girls.

“Whaddya want??”, I faux-growled with as stern a countenance as I could muster.

“We want to wash your car”, came the response from the bravest head below.

“No!”, I faux-growled.

“But we are good, and we ….”


Wide eyes stared up, not quite believing they had an ogre for a neighbor.

“Um, ok … sorry”, one piped up as the foursome backed around, dejected and a bit shocked, to initiate a safe retreat. Down the walkway they went, towing their caisson ladened with the weapons of vehicular cleanliness: towels, sponges and soaps.

And, a toothbrush.

“So, how much do you charge”, I asked before they got far.

“Twenty bucks”, one of the Car Wash Girls replied.

“Ok, then! See ya around the side”, I said smiling. The fun was over. Time for the little contractors to get down to business.

In short, they did, and did well, working quickly.

They borrowed a hand vacuum from us to clean up the floor mats. Borrowed a hose to wash the car – “You know you should be bringing your own water! I’ll have to deduct that from the $20”, I muttered – and borrowed additional towels because theirs were wet from washing four previous vehicles. A that point, I said nothing – I had given them enough grief.

Mom soon arrived in a golf cart on a resupply mission, and the girls, now brandishing a $20 bill and fresh towels, were off in search of new customers before dinner.

The project’s gross income
Angelina Takes a Toothbrush to the Rims

If you are wondering what the toothbrush was for, well, imagine brushing a car’s wheel rims with one.

Yep. Detailing at its best.

The Car Wash Girls. Finley, Reagan, Berkley, and Angelina.

Enterprising in the Fiddlers Point Drive region.

Weekends only.

Weekdays, the little entrepreneurs are in school.

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3 thoughts on “The Car Wash Girls

  1. We were also customers of these hard working young ladies as were our neighbors across the street and next door. We were pleasantly surprised by the great job they did. Who could turn down the beautiful faces anticipating our agreement to turn over our cars to them for their super, dooper, car wash business.

  2. You must stop scaring you g ladies, “Crazy Uncle Brian”! It’s enough that you scare the daylights out of your 4-legged neighbors! I still love you!

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