Spoonbill Courier
home Marsh Creek Community Stolen Sand…Really?

Stolen Sand…Really?

Update on the luminary sand at the end of Ken & Sharon Wasmer’s Driveway:  

The last person took 3 full buckets of sand (with the beach shovel).  Not exactly sure how many luminaries they plan to fill (maybe they are planning to help their entire street / area).  This person, my camera caught as it was leaving (red pickup truck).  

Based on the above, we think it may be better to “offer” the sand on an “as requested” basis.

We have 2 more full buckets of sand remaining.

It is not really the cost (even though we spent around $70 for all the buckets / lids for all), but we were a bit shocked people in our neighborhood would take such quantities.

Editor’s Note:

If you know the owner of the red truck, kindly ask the individual to return the sand, buckets and shovel to Ken Wasmer/311 Marsh Point Circle.

If you still need sand, call Ken @ 248-533-1150 for a private disbursement.

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3 thoughts on “Stolen Sand…Really?

  1. I think I am one of the only persons in Marsh Creek that owns a RED PICK UP TRUCK. I wondered why the Dog Walkers on Fiddlers Point road were giving me the “LOOK” yesterday. I have no use for buckets and crappy sand and didn’t steal it. There is a whole beach full if someone wants it. Did any one ever think that this was appropriated by a Vendor who probably thought that items left at the end of the driveway were trash. Think, Brian, before you write such an article.

  2. We took two buckets when it was first delivered, one for Divot Court, and one for the older residents on Doral Court.👍😁🤶🏻🎄

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