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St. Johns County Roundtable Report

    Visit us at SJCRoundtable.org      
Mr. Reuben Franklin Director of Public Works City of St. Augustine   Don’t miss the next Roundtable meeting with our speaker Mr. Reuben Franklin, Director of Public Works, City of St. Augustine. Mr. Franklin will talk about the new mobility plan as well as mobility fees. Hear about whether there will be trams, monorails, trains and other ways to get to and around the city.  

The meeting starts at noon on Monday, August 8th.   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5593999943
August 2 County Commission Meeting Summary    

Fire Department Report:   3 people have gone to help Kentucky as part of the Northeast Florida emergency response team to help in the emergency operations center. They report it is really, really bad. Chief Prevatt asked that we keep them in our thoughts and prayers.   He also mentioned their program for teenagers and that they finished 2nd in the MCI rely during the summer games. He was most proud of the fact that one the participants plans to go to fire school.  Every year the Lifeguard’s compete for King of the Beach and this year, the South Beach 4 group has earned the “King of the Beach” title.    

Sheriff’s Office Report:   Training continues out in the schools. They are walking the schools and testing with the comm’s center and testing will hit every deputy in the agency. The Sheriff’s office warned that with schools about to open, there will be some congestion and they will have an increased presence.  

Clerk of the Court:   Brandon Patty introduced their summer interns and indicated that the program will continue in the fall. They had high school students, law school students as well as college students with a total of 8 participants. The program will continue in the Fall.  

Agenda #1   Old Moultrie Flex Space – Request to be moved to September 6. Approved 5-0    

Agenda #2   Historic Marker Neck Road   A motion by Commissioner Blocker to support a historical marker along Neck Road marking Governor James Grant’s Mount Pleasant Plantation and the earliest inhabitants including the Timucua.  Approved 5-0  

Agenda #3   Budget   The County unanimously approved the proposed millage rate of 6.8% for the next fiscal year and it will generate about $40 million in new tax revenue. The millage rate is determined by an 17.8% increase in taxable value growth for FY 2023. Property owners with a homestead exemption can expect an increase of 3% to 3.5% in taxes.    The annual budget cycle sets August as the time which the Commission proposes the FY 2023 millage rates. The final county budget will be set in September at which time the millage rate can be lowered but not raised. The first public hearing on the budget is set for September 6, 2022 at 5:01 PM in the county auditorium.   

Agenda #4   Purchase of Genovar Property   It was proposed and approved 5-0 to purchase the 31 acre – Genovar property on the San Sabastian River north of State Road 312, east of Home Depot and south of Nix Boat Yard, to be used for a passive park and a boat ramp. This property is just across from Fish Island, on the other side of the 312 bridge. Many speakers including St. Augustine and St. Augustine Beach Commissioners spoke in favor of this acquisition as well as the need for an additional boat ramp given that there are now 16,701 registered boats in the county. Funds from the Tree Bank fund, Impact Fee Fund, Waterway access fund, Tourist Development Fund and the General Fund. Other sources will be investigated including Florida Forever, Port and Waterways Board, Florida Inland Navigation and several other grant programs.  

Agenda #5   Housing Authority   The Commission discussed the merits and challenges of creating a Housing Authority to help with the need for more affordable housing in the county which is being recommended by the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee. As a result, the staff is directed to report back on three items: 1) specific examples of Florida housing authorities receiving federal HUD funds; 2) do HUD regulations encourage seeking outside grants; and 3) examples of alternatives to other than federally supported housing authorities.   

Agenda #6   West Augustine Affordable Housing Lot Designation   The Commission approved 5-0 the designation of 120 lots within West Augustine for affordable housing units. These will be single or multi-family and owner-occupied housing units to persons earning not more than 140 percent of the St. Johns County average medium income (AMI). The city of St. Augustine will provide water and sewer to these parcels.   

Agenda #7   State Road 16   Staff reported on the status of developer’s commitments to 4-lane about 5 miles of SR 16 from International Golf Parkway to the entrance to the West Outlet Mall. While developers World Commerce and Grand Oaks are responsible for approximately 3 miles of this five-mile stretch, they are not required to do so until they are near the end phase of the development. The remaining 2 miles are not currently a priority of the FDOT. The Commission asked staff to draft a letter to state transportation officials urging this SR 16 portion be elevated to priority staff.    Commissioner Blocker had to leave the meeting early to join his wife who is having a baby today and the Civic Roundtable extends their warmest wishes to the Blockers.  ______________________________________________________________    
Elkton Industrial Park   The Roundtable identifies legislative priorities each year. For 2022, two of our priorities were “Funding for Rural and Family Lands Protection Program” and “Funding for Preservation of Agricultural Land.” In keeping with our priorities, we are sharing information about a proposal that will have a significant impact on the future of the southwest part of the county and agriculture.   At the next BCC meeting scheduled for August 16, a proposal to create the Elkton Industrial Park in southern St. Johns County will be on the agenda. The project is seeking to change 92 acres of land from Open Rural to Industrial Warehouse to accommodate 1.2 million square feet of industrial warehouse space at the southeast quadrant of the SR 207/CR 305 intersection. This is the first land use intensification outside of the development boundary area in rural southern St. Johns County.   We will be discussing this major comp plan change at our meeting on August 8th.   More information can be found at Item-17.pdf (sjcfl.us)
Voter Registration and Party Change Deadline    July 25, 2022   www.votesjc.gov   _____________________________________  
Who is on August 23rd Ballot and for What Position?   Hint: These are not all primary races!     Click here to see all the races and the candidates.  
_____________________________________________________     _________________________________________________ Roundtable July 11 Minutes   The minutes from the July 11 meeting can be found here __________________________________________________________  
Volunteer Opportunities with St. Johns County Boards and Committees The St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners provides residents interested in serving their community and participating in local government with a variety of board and committee opportunities. The volunteer positions consider and make recommendations regarding various topics, including planning and zoning issues, development projects, libraries, parks and recreation facilities and programs, arts, culture and tourism. The following boards and committees are currently accepting applications:   Contractors Review Board (application deadline Aug. 8, 2022) Northwest Communication Tower Advisory Board (application deadline Aug. 5, 2022) South Anastasia Design Review Board (application deadline until filled)   Please visit the Boards and Committees webpage at www.sjcfl.us/Boards to view the requirements and duties of each board and committee, download an application, or contact the Board of County Commissioners office at 904.209.0300 or jspencer@sjcfl.us for more information.  _____________________________________________________________   ‌  
Upcoming Election Dates   Yes, this is an election year!   Primary Election: August 23, 2022    Deadline to Register: October 11, 2022    General Election: November 8, 2022   __________________________________________________________
Upcoming Meetings   September 12    
Officers:   Jim McLane, Chairman Lisa McGlynn, Vice Chairman and Treasurer Maureen Long, Recording Secretary Elizabeth Tate, Member At Large   Committee Chairs:   Janet Patten, Government Affairs John Pilecki, Education  Barbara Olson, Health Care     Working Together For Our County   St. Johns County Civic Roundtable   Policy Positions ·  About Us ·  Links to Elected Officials ·  Roundtable Resolutions and Letters ·  Minutes   Contact Us : info@sjcroundtable.org    

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