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St. Johns County Commissioners Place 1-Cent Sales Tax on November Ballot

ST. AUGUSTINE, Florida, March 15, 2022 – During today’s commission meeting, the St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners voted 4 to 1 to send to referendum a proposed one-penny sales tax ordinance for voter approval on Nov. 8, 2022. Before election day, an independent certified public accountant will conduct an audit to examine several key factors. Those factors include the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the program and how the program will accomplish goals and objectives. The audit report will be available to the public 60 days before election day.

“We have a problem, and we cannot raise impact fees any more than where they already are due to statutory limitations. This left us with only three options: raise the millage rate on our homes, propose the public votes yes or no on a one-cent sales tax increase, or do nothing and kick the can down the road for several more years,” said Board Chairman, Commissioner Henry Dean. “I think it’s important to let the voters decide.”

Should more than 50% of voters approve the proposed ordinance, the sales tax increase will begin for ten years on Jan. 1, 2023. The proposed increase would take St. Johns County’s sales tax from 6.5% to 7.5% of the sale of goods and services. For taxable personal property, the additional one-penny sales tax would only be collected on the first $5,000. The additional sales tax would not apply to certain groceries, prescription drugs, medical products and supplies, or other goods and services exempt from taxation.

St. Johns County has developed a Frequently Asked Questions page regarding the proposed surtax increase. For more information, please visit http://sjcfl.us/media/Surtax-FAQ.pdf.

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