By Donna Delzingaro
Our Spoonbill Neighbors Welcome Committee made its first visits on Wednesday, October 13th to deliver welcome bags to new neighbors.
The bags themselves were donated by Flagler Hospital and contained a mask and hand sanitizer, information picked up from the St Augustine Welcome Center, St John’s County Habitat Conservation, and St. John’s County Chamber of Commerce. They also contained information about Marsh Creek Country Club, helpful local websites and app, Facebook Groups and Newsletters.
We had a list of eight neighbors to visit. Some were not home and we left them bags. Some had not moved in yet so we will revisit them next month. And those who were at home, we got to meet them.
Kit Traverso_his dog Jack Suzanne and Don McAliley and their dog Lillian
Above are pictures of two of our new neighbors and their four-legged friends. On the left is Kit Traverso and his dog Jack. His wife Lynda is not in the picture. On the right are Suzanne and Don McAliley and their dog Lillian.
Both families appreciated the personal welcome visit and we were so happy to meet our new neighbors.
The Spoonbill Neighbors Welcome Committee plans to visit new neighbors once a month.
Nothing like a personal greeting to make newcomers welcome. Thank you Donna & the Spoonbill Neighbors’ for your effort!
Great report on a fantastic job! Kudos to the Spoonbill Neighbors for welcoming new residents to our community!