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Spoonbill Neighbors Update

By Louise Nelson and Meri-Kathryn Peed

Hello Marsh Creek Neighbors,

As you know Spoonbill Neighbors was recently created to provide opportunities for Marsh Creek residents to meet and socialize.

To the 14 groups currently chartered, we are now adding three more: a  Garden Club, Single Malt/Cigar Club, and a Wine Lovers Club.

The Spoonbill Neighbors Garden Club: under the leadership of a seasoned gardener, this group will share thoughts on optimum plant selections for North Florida’s climate and soil, how to defend against flower-hungry deer, tips on patio planters with flowers or herbs, and plan off-site travel to see seasonal gardens…. or any ideas members may have!  Led by Helen Borisoff (helenborisoff@gmail.com)

The Spoonbill Neighbors Single Malt/Cigar Lovers Club: Focusing mainly as a gathering for men, but adventurous females are certainly welcome. Look forward to sampling single malt scotch whiskeys, blended whiskeys, and bourbons matched with an aromatic cigar, and maybe learning a thing or two about their origins. Led by Ken Wasmer (kwasmer1@gmail.com)

The Spoonbill Neighbors Wine Lovers Club: This group focuses mainly on couples, although singles are welcome.  Sample and enjoy wines from different regions of the world.  Select a region/style of wine/rating/ price range for each gathering of 6 to 10 people. Each couple /single brings a bottle meeting the agreed criterion for the group to sample. Each couple/single explains the wine and why they chose it. Lead by Ken and Sharon Wasmer (kwasmer1@gmail.com; sharon.wasmer@gmail.com)

Already active groups:

Spoonbill Neighbors Welcome Committee: Members have put together a package of important information to give to newcomers with a personal welcome.

Spoonbill Neighbors Happy Hour Club: The first “Meet and Greet” for registered members of the Spoonbill Neighbors Happy Hour Club will be in the Park on October 22nd at 5:00pm.

Spoonbill Neighbors Dining-Out – Ladies Club: This group will be scheduling dinners out at local dining establishments.

Spoonbill Neighbors Dining Out – Couples: This group will be scheduling dinners out at local dining establishments.

Spoonbill Neighbors Dining-In Club:  Groups of 3-4 couples will meet in member’s homes and share a themed meal. Meeting at regular intervals, hosts will rotate, and each member will contribute a dish.

Spoonbill Neighbors Lunch/Brunch Club:  This already-popular group has had one very successful lunch already.  The second is scheduled for October 27th at noon at the St. Augustine Fish Camp on Riberia Street in town.

And there are more: The Book Club, Games Club, Ladies Trips Club, Walking Club…

All Spoonbill Neighbor interest groups are member based.  This means that in order to attend an event, you must be a member of the Spoonbill Neighbors AND signed up with the specific group hosting the event. The Happy Hour on Oct.22 at 5:00 in the community park is for members of the Happy Hour group.  All Spoonbill Neighbors members are welcome to join the Happy Hour group! To join this, or any group, send MK Peed (MKPeed@aol.com) or Louise Nelson (lzn@mindspring.com) an email. They will then let the group leaders know.  You will then be added to the group roster and receive invitations. Yay!  

Come join the fun!

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