Spoonbill Courier
home Marsh Creek Community, Spoonbill Neighbors Spoonbill Neighbors’ Spring Happy Hour at the Nelsons

Spoonbill Neighbors’ Spring Happy Hour at the Nelsons

Ideal weather, delicious appetizers, generous libations, pleasant music, and a spring sunset made this Spoonbill Neighbors’ Happy Hour a thoroughly enjoyable Friday evening.  For 5 hours, discussions ranged from fruit trees, ducks and deer… to upcoming events like Mexican Train, Mahjong, Book Club, Lunch Bunch, Dining In and Dining Out, GoGo (Girls Out Goofing Off), Garden Club, Wine Tasting, Malts & Cigars, Kayaking, Walking…   

The night was the latest in a string of social highlights in a very social neighborhood! 

All March Creek Residents are welcome to join us. The contact email is Spoonbillneighbors@yahoo.com

Thanks to Lorri Maloney and Lisa Stern for organizing these Happy Hours for the last two years.  We are now looking for one or two new people to take over leadership of this SUPER FUN group. If you’re willing, please contact Lorri Maloney (410-708-8366) or Lisa Stern (216-213-4913)

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