Spoonbill Courier
home Around Town & County, Marsh Creek Community, Spoonbill Neighbors SPOONBILL NEIGHBORS SEPTEMBER NEWSLETTER



Group members will be receiving invites for the events from the group leaders. You will be able to RSVP in response to that email. If you are interested in a group, please see Interest Group attachment below for information on how to join.

  • Dining Out for Couples – Dining Out for Couples will meet again Thursday September 12th – RSVP to email sent out by Ken Wasmer kwasmer1@gmail.com.
  • Stitch and Bitch- This month’s Stitch & Bitch will be combined with preparation for the Pink-Up-The-Pace 5k Walk/Run & Expo.  Volunteers are needed to stuff, size and tag knockers.  YOU DO NOT NEED STITCH AND BITCH TO ATTEND.  ALL VOLUNTEERS ARE WELCOME. October 2nd, 6pm-9pm 400 Misty Morning Lane. RSVP TO Jeannette  847-533-4788 | jlindenman@comcast.net
  • Book Club – The Spoonbill Neighbors Book Club is meeting on September 10th from 2 pm to 4 pm.to discuss The Women by Kristin Hannah.  Novels for October and November are The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown and Symphony of Secrets by Brendan Slocum.  If you’re interested in joining the Club, please contact Louise Nelson (lzn@mindspring.com).  
  • GoGos – Go-Gos will be testing their collective wits to navigate an Escape Room Adventure on September 12. We’ll be going to brunch before. Contact Dianne at diannehood@comcast.net to join this fun group. 
  • Happy Hour –  Happy Hour is resuming its monthly gatherings on Friday, September 13th. For those of you who don’t know, Happy Hour meets at different members’ homes from 5:00-7:00 on the first or second Friday of each month. Everyone brings a dish to share and their own beverages. It is a fun easy way to meet your neighbors. If you are not a member of Happy Hour but would like to be please contact Spoonbill Neighbors to get your name on the list.
  • Lunch Bunch – The Lunch Bunch will be meeting on Sept 18th. Time and place TBA. 
  • Wine Lovers – Spoonbill Wine Lover’s Group will be tasting Pinot Noirs on September 27 at 6 p.m. People may reach out if they wish to join the group!
  • Whiskey Group – The Whiskey Group met on September 5 and enjoyed the voyages of Jefferson’s Ocean. Contact Mike Blaker mike.blaker@gmail.com if interested in joining the group.
  • Mexican Train – Fall departures for Mexican Train are now available. Couples Mexican Train departs September 18 at 7 p.m. Please contact Nancy Hillsunrosefam5@msn.com or Penny Jonesdpjones02@gmail.com if you are interested.
  • Dining In Re-Mix –  Dining In will have its re-organizational meeting on Saturday, October 19th at 5:30. Groups of 3-4 couples will be created, and they will make plans meet at each other homes for a “home cooked meal”. The hostess prepares the main course and others bring accompanying dishes. It is a nice way to really get to know your neighbors in a small group setting over a delicious meal. If you are not a member of this group but would like to be, please contact Meri-Kathryn Peed, MKPeed@aol.com for more information. Meri-Kathryn will be touching base with all those already in the group in mid-September. 


Register for the Pink-Up-The-Pace 5K Walk/Run – October 5th

Click below

Pink Up The Pace 5K Walk/Run

Don’t forget to join Spoonbill Knockers Group during registration process! 

Save these December dates for Light Up the Creek  

Hold the date: December 13th, 2024 Rain day is December 14th.  This is the evening  Marsh Creek neighbors line the streets with lighted candles to inaugurate Holiday Festivities, and host street parties with food and drink stations and bask in the camaraderie that makes Marsh Creek such a great place to live.  Contact Louise Nelson if you want to participate in the organizing of this annual event (lzn@mindspring.com)  

Spoonbill Neighbors is a social group open to all Marsh Creek residents. It provides a variety of social activities for neighbors to meet and socialize. Below is a list of the current activity/interest groups. If you are interested in joining Spoonbill Neighbors, please contact the Spoonbill Neighbors co-chairs, Jana Synatschk and Lorraine Novinger at spoonbillneighbors@yahoo.com

Wine Lovers (WL) Members meet every month (but August and December) in a different member’s home to learn about and enjoy new (or old) wines. Singles or couples are welcome. Mark Turgeon – turgeon.mark@gmail.com

Book Club (BC) Members meet monthly in a neighbor’s home for a book discussion.
Louise Nelson, lzn@mindspring.com

Community Outreach (CO) Members work with the homeless coalition and other groups helping those in our city who are less fortunate. Louise Nelson, lzn@mindspring.com

Dining In (DI) Members (singles or couples) are divided into groups and take turns hosting a dinner. The host for that month will plan a menu and group members bring a portion of the meal to share. Meri-Kathryn Peed, MKPeed@aol.com

Dining Out Couples (DOC) Members take turns choosing a restaurant and planning the dinner out. Ken & Sharon Wasmer – kwasmer1@gmail.com


Mahjong (MJ1) for experienced players. Contact Donna Delzingaro donna.delzingaro@gmail.com

Mahjong Lessons or Refresh (MJ2) contact Joanne Naglieri, joannenags@hotmail.com

Mexican Train (MT) Monthly playing Mexican Train for both couples and singles.
Penny Jones Dpjones02@gmail.com, Nancy Hill Sunrosefam5@msn.com

Girls Out Goofing Off 2.0 (GoGo 2.0) Each member of the group, working with the leader, plans a monthly outing or activity. Something different each month. Might include local events, classes, or day trips. Dianne Hood – diannehood@comcast.net

Happy Hour (HH) Members meet monthly in a neighbor’s home for drinks and apps. Meri-Kathryn Peed mkpeed@aol.com

Investment Club (IC) – For women who want to learn about investing. This club is basically educational,
with members researching and recommending stock picks in various industries. The club votes on investing based on the presentations given. Closed to new members until Fall 2025. Penny Jones –

Kayaking (MK)- Marsh Creek Kayakers is a men’s kayak group. Day trips and occasional overnight trips are coordinated by the group leader. Peter Clayton pac120691@aol.com

Lunch Bunch (LB) – It’s Back under new leadership!! Join your neighbors in various restaurants for culinary adventures. Members take turns choosing the restaurant and the planning the luncheon out. Angela Siragusa staug15@gmail.com and Kris Brunke kris.brunke@gmail.com

Whiskey Group (WG) A men’s group focused on the enjoyment of malt whiskey, bourbon, and/or any barrel aged libation. Mike Blaker – mike.blaker@gmail.com

Stitch and Bitch – a women’s group where we get together to socialize and work on our projects.
Interested? Contact Jeannette Lindenman jlindenman@comcast.net

Walking (W) Once a month a walk will be conducted outside of Marsh Creek. Sue Whittle –

Welcome Committee (WC) Members create welcome bags of community information and deliver them
personally to welcome new neighbors every other month. Donna Delzingaro – donna.delzingaro@gmail.com

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