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Spoonbill Neighbors November Newsletter

St Augustine Pink Up the Pace (for breast cancer)

Spoonbill Neighbors’ Knitted Knockers group will be participating in St Augustine’s Pink Up the Pace event  https://www.pinkupthepace.com/

Due to hurricane Ian, the event was postponed to next weekend Nov 5 & 6. 

On Saturday 11/5 will be the expo, with lots of local vendors. The Knitted Knockers group will have a table there, to promote and give away prosthetic “knockers” to any woman who might need them. This promises to be a fun event and will be held at the mall at 2121 US 1, St Augustine from 2:30-5:00 (where Belks is). Please join us!

Spoonbill Community Outreach

Once again, we are supporting the Homeless Coalition, (AKA, the Emergency Services and Homeless Coalition of St. Johns County).

We are partnering with the Coalition to “Share the Feast”, so others less fortunate can celebrate Thanksgiving. Think about participating in this project. Come pick up a red bag with a prepared shopping list that will include food items needed to feed one family on this important day. The bags are available now at Louise Nelson’s home (209 Fiddlers Point Drive). Ring the bell or lift the top of the wooden chest by the door and take one. Please return them filled by November 12th.

 Thank you for your kindness!   

 Marsh Creek’s Second Annual Spoonbill Neighbors Nights of Lights!

Date: Friday, December 9th /  Start Time: Sundown (typically between 5:30-6:00 pm)                            

Luminarias represent a tradition of welcome, and Christmas luminaries have become a tradition of holiday welcome. 

All that’s needed to participate is paper bags illuminated with candles in cups.  The bags are placed every 3-5 feet across the front curb of each home.  Stones or sand are needed to hold the bags in place. Last year’s event was a wonderful success!  Lots of neighborhood parties, stopping stations with food, drink and desserts.  Let’s do it again!    

What to buy and where:

There are lots of options: Amazon, Walmart, Hobby Lobby, Michaels & craft stores.  And of course, Pine Castle Charity (https://pinecastle.org/holiday-liminaria-kits/).  They offer a complete unit, (sand/candle/cup) ready to go.  And it’s a charitable organization, promoting disabled adults who make the kits.  Kits must be picked up at their location near I-95 and University Blvd. (Last year a neighbor offered to pick up kits). 

The bags that seemed the sturdiest were from Hobby Lobby, with handles & a thicker quality of paper with a shine on it. Also, votive candles in glass cups from the Dollar Store worked well according to a neighbor, they burned all night.  And pebbles or rocks instead of sand at the bottom of the bag seem to be a better option than sand.

Now’s the time to look for sales to avoid last minute rush. 

For more information, or to volunteer for this event, please contact Louise Nelson (lzn@mindspring.com).

Spoonbill Neighbors was created to meet the needs of our community and as such, we continue to grow and change.  With that philosophy in mind, we continue to add and eliminate interest groups. As of now we no longer have: Dining Out Ladies, Arts and Crafts, Gaming/Canasta and Walking within Marsh Creek. We encourage anyone with an idea for a new group and are willing to be a leader of that group to contact us. We also would like to ask for volunteers to help in some of our areas: Happy Hour, and our monthly Newsletter are looking for coordinators. If interested, please contact Lorri Maloney or Meri-Kathryn Peed.

Lastly, a big thank you to those of you who are leaders of our interest groups. Without your leadership, Spoonbill Neighbors would not exist. Thank you for sending us the photos of your activities and keeping us up to date on your activities. Please mark your calendars for a leader meeting on January 10th at 10:00. More information to follow. 

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