Spoonbill Courier
home Marsh Creek Community Spoonbill Neighbors Garden Club

Spoonbill Neighbors Garden Club

By Helen Borisoff

Our garden group had a fabulous visit last week to two nurseries/growers in Deland.

Thanks to our neighbor Jenni Holub, we had a wonderful private tour w the owner, who is a master bonsai gardener, at Schley’s Bonsai. Such an incredible spot! It truly is an art form with so many beautiful species to admire! After a sack lunch under the moss covered oaks, we ventured over to EFG Orchids. Equally beautiful, with a fantastic combination of orchids and specialty plants. Heaven on earth!

A couple of upcoming dates…

With February upon us, azalea season is coming! For our February meeting, we’ll venture over to Ravine Gardens in Palatka. Their website mentions it’s $5.00/car entry fee..if anyone would like to carpool, please let me know, I’m happy to coordinate…

February 22, 2023 – meet in the parking lot at 11:30

Ravine Gardens State Park

1600 Twig Street

Palatka, Fl 32177


Then in March…we’re off to Jacksonville Arboretum and Botanical Gardens. From their website…covering 120 acres , offering 7 natural trails through 13 distinct eco-sytems. Newly planted palm, tea, pollinator and raised garden beds…admission $3.00/person.

March 22, 2023 – meet in the parking lot at 11:30.

Jacksonville Arboretum and Gardens

1445 Millcoe Road

Jacksonville, Florida 32225


I haven’t been to either one but they both sound fabulous and also sounds as though we should wear solid walking shoes/boots.

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