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home Marsh Creek Community Spoonbill Neighbors First Lunch

Spoonbill Neighbors First Lunch

By Patricia Nolton

Our first luncheon and the kickoff for Spoonbill Neighbors! 

We ate on the patio at Andaman restaurant which was a bit warm until the sun went behind the building.  But that didn’t deter us.  We introduced ourselves and found out some interesting things about our neighbors.  Marsh Creek is lucky to have such a wonderful group of people.  The food was fresh and copious.  Many took a box home for breakfast!

The next lunch bunch will be at Cafe Alcazar on either Wednesday, October 20 or the 27th.  Debbie Coates will coordinate with the restaurant.  We will be sitting in splendid isolation at the shallow end of the indoor pool.

Form more information on Spoonbill Neighbors, please contact Louise Nelson (321-243-0254 – lzn@mindspring.com) or Meri Kathryn Peed (704-277-6221 – mkpeed@aol.com)

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