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home Marsh Creek Community Spoonbill Neighbors February Report-Out

Spoonbill Neighbors February Report-Out

By Louise Nelson

Spoonbill Neighbors continues its growth and enjoyment!  Some activities in January were postponed due the unexpected Omicron surge.  Here are some pictures and event summaries of activities that were held.  Also below is the Spoonbill Neighbors February Calendar of Events.  If you’d like to join our growing homeowners’ group, please contact Meri-Kathryn Peed (MKPeed@aol.com) or Louise Nelson (lzn@mindspring.com) for more information.

Donna visiting with Richard Dunn and his son who was visiting.

On January 11th, the Welcome Committee, this time consisting of Donna Delzingaro and Louise Nelson, spent an enjoyable sunny winter afternoon visiting and dropping off welcome bags to newcomers. 

Please welcome Richard Dunn, 326 Baily Bunker Court; Maxim & Sally Kiefer, 376 Marsh Point Circle; Eric Pan, 436 Marsh Point Circle, Linda Valenti, 916 Spring Lake Court; Eric Ryan, 854 Summer Bay; Guillermo Gomez, 500 Turnberry Lane.

On January 14th, the Spoonbill Neighbors Happy Hour group held its first get together of 2022 at the home of Lorri Maloney and Tim Nichols. Twenty-one neighbors attended. The hosts provided a beautiful mimosa bar with champagne, Prosecco, and a variety of fruits and juices. Guests came with delicious and creative appetizers. Due to the continuing presence of Covid, the event was held mostly outside on Lorri and Tim’s beautiful lanai and attendance was limited. As always, being fully vaccinated is a requirement to attend any Spoonbill event. Happy Hour group members who did not get a chance to attend the January event will have first dibs on the February gathering. We look to it!

Debbie Coates, Sue Lane, Mike Coates, David Stern, Christine Penton, Mike Blaker, Stan Penton, Jana Synatschk ; Mike Coates, Debbie Coates, Tim Nichols, Joanne Naglieri; Co-Leaders Lisa Stern & Lorri Maloney. 

On January 19th, the Lunch Bunch met at the Uptown Swinery. Co-leaders Pattie Nolton & Debbie Coates report a pleasant ambience and staff and a menu that was southern fare and tasty!   

Diana Emehiser, Joanne Naglieri, Debbie Coates, Christine Penton, Pattie Nolton, Diane Key and Linda Porter.

On January 22nd, Dining In Group B was hosted by Kris & Scott Brunke.  On the menu was a charcuterie board appetizer, grilled chicken, roasted vegetables (supplied by the Wasmers), panzanella salad (supplied by the Burkhards) and both cherry and key lime cheesecakes (supplied by the Sterns).  The food was delicious and a fun time was had!

Hosts Kris & Scott, Tom & Cindy Burkhard, Ken & Sharon Wasmer & Lisa (photographer) & David Stern

On January 29th, six members of the Spoonbill Neighbors Arts & Crafts group enjoyed a Greek cooking class.  Dianna Christakos graciously shared her time and expertise by showing us how to prepare spanakopita, a traditional dish from Dianna’s homeland.  Dianna was born on the Greek island of Chios, and has also lived in Egypt, Turkey, and Germany.  She was an educator for 30+ years, a restaurant owner for 4 years, and is a master gardener!  Her spanakopita recipe is a treasure that was handed down to her from her mother, Demitra.  Thank you Dianna!

Felicia Waldron, Jeannette Linderman & Ann Reid.     Master Chef Dianna Christakos.
Final Product: Delicious Spanakopita

These are just a few of the Spoonbill Neighbors’ Group activities to encourage Marsh Creek residents to meet and socialize. Others include Book Club, Dining In, Dining Out Ladies & Dining Out Couples, Mahjong, Garden Club, Happy Hour, Lunch Bunch, Malt & Cigars, Community Outreach, Walking, Wine Lovers and Welcome Committee.

Again, if you are a Marsh Creek Resident and want to join, please contact Meri-Kathryn Peed (MKPeed@aol.com) or Louise Nelson (lzn@mindspring.com) for more information.

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