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SJC Civic Roundtable News

By Peter Clayton

Visit us at SJCRoundtable.org
July 19 County Commission Meeting Summary  

The St. Johns County Commission issued a Recognition Award to Melissa Nelson who is leaving to become the CEO of the United Way of Florida which consists of 28 United Ways statewide.   

Public Safety Update: The Fire Chief stated that the rains have helped the water deficit but not without multiple lightning strikes to structures. The Ponte Vedra Library which was damaged by lightening is expected to open later this week. The Sheriff’s Office continues to adjust to the county’s growth as it strives to work together with all its residents. The Clerk of the Court will be open on Saturday, August 6 from 9 AM-2 PM to assist in processing passport applications including taking photos.   

The Commission voted 4-1 (Blocker) to remand to Planning and Zoning Agency the Madison St. Augustine development of 238 multifamily units off of SR 16 and west of Royal St. Augustine Parkway. 

A motion to appeal an administrative interpretation of the Growth Management Department allowing a Special Care Housing assisted living facility at Mill Creek Estates was approved 5-0 after strong opposition by homeowners to the facility for its incompatibility. The approval of the appeal means that the assisted living facility will not be able to be built at this time.  

A request to develop 115 single family houses as rental housing (for a minimum of one year) represents a new type of housing on 19 acres at CR 16A and SR 16. The Wade Creek PUD was denied 4-1 (Waldron).  

A self-storage facility for RVs and boats on 3 acres on the east side of US 1 which abuts the La Cocina restaurant was approved 5-0. Another storage facility was unanimously approved on a vacated portion of unopened Avenue C between 1st Street and the St. Johns County Detention Center west of US 1.   

Mickler’s Wharf has been a public/private partnership agreement between the County Commission and the Ponte Vedra/Palm Valley Greenway Alliance since 2018. The Wharf is owned by the Alliance and open to the public. The Commission asked staff to provide an analysis of the maintenance and repairs needed for the Wharf should the County assume ownership. A preliminary inspection identified about $13,000 in repairs and improvements and staff was directed to do a structural inspection of the Wharf. There is Commissioner consensus that the Wharf provides waterway access as well as fishing and nature observations for the public.   

Jesse Dunn, Director of Office of Management & Budget, gave an overview of the FY 2023 county budget to date and the upcoming process. At the next commission meeting on August 2, the mileage rate to calculate property taxes will be determined and the dates and times for September public hearings on the budget will be set before the final budget is adopted.  

The expected final budget numbers are to be around $1.3 B and the average increase in property taxes for homeowners will probably be about 3.5%. The growth in St. Johns County reflects about a 17.8% taxable value increase over last FY 2022 which grew at 9.27%. This extraordinary taxable value increase is $39.5 M in property tax revenue for FY 2023. Other revenue sources to see a large increase is the tourist development tax while gas taxes remain flat. Commissioner Arnold recommended adding $35,000 per year for three years to the new budget for a volunteer program for the Whitney Lab sea turtle hospital.   

A number of appointments were made to the following County Boards: Cultural Resource Review, Christine Newman and Blair Knighting; Housing Finance Authority, Malinda Peeples; and Tourist Development Council, Regina Gayle Phillips, Executive Director of the Lincolnville Museum.   

The Commission approved the County Administrator to begin preliminary negotiations to acquire waterway property which could be used as a boat ramp park — funds from tourist development taxes could be used. (The location of the property must remain private so as to not drive up the cost.) Last year over 1400 new water vessels were registered in the county.   

Commissioner Blocker praised the staff of the Ponte Vedra Library for getting all patrons out safely when it was struck by lightning on July 1. He also asked staff for a report on getting a No Wake Zone designation for Palm Valley which must start with the Florida Fish & Game Commission and requires a year study with a camera installed to monitor traffic. Mr. Blocker expressed his support for funds in the new budget to conduct an assessment of space needs and to identify deficiencies for Constitutional Offices, especially for those offices in the Courthouse facility.   

Commissioner Waldron and his wife just celebrated 34 years of marriage. Mr. Waldron asked staff to determine if the County can post No Wake signs in the Treasure Beach canals which are owned by the County.   

Commissioner Whitehurst stated there was a July 11 news story about anti-Semitic flyers being distributed in a local neighborhood. He expressed his concern and said there is no need for spreading such hatred here or anywhere.   

Commissioner Arnold wants to see the funding expedited for four lanes added to SR 16 between International Golf Parkway and I 95. Grand Oaks Developer committed to 4 lanes in 2018 and Commissioners want this on the agenda for August 2 meeting.   

Chairman Dean said he was recently made aware of a needed change to the comp plan to allow veterinary clinics to be located in the same developments as medical doctors. This would allow Veterinarians to use some older medical equipment that is beneficial for dogs and cats.  _____________________________________________________________
Voter Registration and Party Change Deadline    July 25, 2022   www.votesjc.gov
Who is on August 23rd Ballot and for What Position?   Hint: These are not all primary races!     Click here to see all the races and the candidates. New voter cards are expected in mailboxes in the next week.  
Roundtable July 11 Minutes  
The minutes from the July 11 meeting can be found here     Baptist President Kyle Dorsey’s PowerPoint Presentation   At the July 11 Roundtable meeting, Baptist President Kyle Dorsey presented a very robust PowerPoint Presentation laying out the plans for Baptist Hospital’s expansion into St. Johns County. His presentation was very informative with lots of interesting and valuable information about their plans for St. Johns County. To view the presentation, please click HERE ______________________________________________________________
Volunteer Opportunities with St. Johns County Boards and Committees The St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners provides residents interested in serving their community and participating in local government with a variety of board and committee opportunities. The volunteer positions consider and make recommendations regarding various topics, including planning and zoning issues, development projects, libraries, parks and recreation facilities and programs, arts, culture and tourism.

The following boards and committees are currently accepting applications:   Contractors Review Board (application deadline Aug. 8, 2022) Library Advisory Board (application deadline Aug. 1, 2022) Northwest Communication Tower Advisory Board (application deadline Aug. 5, 2022) South Anastasia Design Review Board (application deadline until filled)  

Please visit the Boards and Committees webpage at www.sjcfl.us/Boards to view the requirements and duties of each board and committee, download an application, or contact the Board of County Commissioners office at 904.209.0300 or jspencer@sjcfl.us for more information.  _____________________________________________________________
Blue Green Algae Alert   The Florida Department of Health in St. Johns County has issued a Health Alert. Surface water samples detected the presence of harmful blue-green algae in the St. Johns River at Racy Point.     Do not drink, swim, wade, use personal watercraft, water ski or boat in waters where there is a visible bloom Do not cook or clean dishes with water contaminated by algae blooms. Boiling the water will not eliminate the toxins. Eating fillets from healthy fish caught in freshwater lakes experiencing blooms is safe. Rinse fish fillets with tap or bottled water, throw out the guts and cook fish well. Do not eat shellfish in waters with algae blooms  

According to the Florida Health website, A “Health Alert” for blue-green algae is triggered by the presence of any detectable level of cyanotoxin in a sample collected from a Florida waterbody (saltwater, freshwater, and brackish water bodies). This Health Alert may be lifted once either of the following occur: 1) negative toxin analyses are obtained from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection-coordinated resampling of the bloom; or 2) a total of 30 days has elapsed since the last sampling date.   Blue-green algae blooms can negatively impact human health and the health of the ecosystems they are found in.

For additional information on potential health effects of algal blooms, visit www.floridahealth.gov/environmental-health/aquatic-toxins.
Upcoming Election Dates   Yes, this is an election year!   Primary Election: August 23, 2022   Registration and Party Change Deadline: July 25, 2022    Deadline to Register: October 11, 2022    General Election: November 8, 2022
Upcoming Meetings   August 8 – Mr. Reuben Franklin, Public Works Director, City of St, Augustine will discuss the new Mobility Plan

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3 thoughts on “SJC Civic Roundtable News

  1. Thank You so much, Peter Clayton, for sharing such a comprehensive report regarding our County/community, most informative.

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