Spoonbill Courier
home Around Town & County Saturday Morning in a Beach Town

Saturday Morning in a Beach Town

The beach is a special place. For many, a beach day will start with sunrise. Of course, this requires getting out of bed early.

Now, if you are getting married and you plan to time the exchange of vows to the morning’s first rays, well, that takes some extra planning. It means getting up in the dark, dressing and getting made up while most everyone else is fast asleep (or, yes, just going to bed). So, the work likely begins in the middle of the night for the bride and her bridesmaids. All of whom, including the groom, still need to look fresh and awake for the wedding photos after the ceremony and before breakfast.

And so, here was the scene at 7:32am this Saturday morning on St. Augustine Beach: a sunrise … a bride and groom with an assembled, fully attired wedding congregation … an assortment of surfers offshore … a early morning class of yoga enthusiasts right next door … and a young boy, alone on the beach, lost in thought.

All happening in the same spot on the same beach.

(You can right click on the photos to see the enlarged versions)

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