Spoonbill Courier
home Marsh Creek Community Ron & Luba Sighting

Ron & Luba Sighting

They are OUT of lock down!

Or were.

But there has indeed been a Ron and Luba Estes sighting. Our former neighbors, friends, and continuing club members look just fine, by the way.

About 3:00pm today, a gray car pulled up alongside this editor as he biked around the ‘hood. Didn’t see the occupants and didn’t hear the occupants and he kept pedaling.

The gray car catches back up, and there, grinning from the passenger window, was the lovely Luba. At the wheel was her “handler”, Ron, who many of you know was wheel-chaired about this time last year and has made an almost miraculous recovery.

The two giddy Allegro escapees said they were on their way to Walgreens, and like inveterate “spies”, turned into Marsh Creek to reconnoiter the old neighborhood.

We wish them well, and hope to see more of them when Covid-19 subsides.

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3 thoughts on “Ron & Luba Sighting

  1. Ron and I were so pleased to see you Brian riding your bike, You looked slim, trim and athletic. Both Ron and I, together or separately, ride through MC on our way to Publix or elsewhere to get the feeling of home.

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