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Queen Barbara is off to A New Adventure

By Brian Nelson

For three years, Barbara White has been the Queen of Fiddlers Point.

All those residing in this part of Marsh Creek are familiar with the sight of this kind and dignified 89 year old taking her aged frame up and down Fiddlers Point Drive in search of daily therapeutic relief.

And finding more.

Much more.

Hunched over a walker because of debilitating spinal stenosis, she plodded slowly along in blisteringly hot humidity and on frigid, windy days, determined to continue waging her courageous battle.

Frequently, she would be spotted on the side of the road, taking a breather alone, but never for long.

Cars would stop, runners would stop, and soon she’d be holding court with Marsh Creek walkers and feeding treats to their dogs. They became her second family.


Barbara’s popularity was evident Monday afternoon, when a dozen or so of her fans – two and four legged alike – showed up for an impromptu farewell party, organized by head dog Daphne (and her mistress, Rickie Rubenstein). The gathering unfolded in the generous shade of a tree outside the Lookout Point home Barbara shares with her only son Wayne and his family.

Yet …

Barbara has decided to pull up stakes and move to Silver Creek Retirement Home off SR 207.

She said she is excited. Why? Well, it has a library, she says. Then she gives up the real source of excitement: Silver Creek also has a Wii-like gaming station.

And so, decades after saying a sad goodbye to the lanes, this onetime semi-professional bowler is going to take the game up again. This time, she’ll be knocking those pins down from the comfort and security of a padded seat.

Barbara’s son, Wayne, (above, left) became emotional watching his mother being showered with neighborhood love.

And Miss Barbara?

She held it together for a while, before finally succumbing.

Watch HERE, as Barbara thanks her admirers.

Barbara officially leaves the ‘hood on Thursday.

The Queen of Fiddlers Point will be a lasting memory.

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4 thoughts on “Queen Barbara is off to A New Adventure

  1. Brian, thank you so much for the wonderful article about my sweet Aunt Barb! How nice it is to see the love and care she received from her neighbors and friends(human and critter)! She’s a special inspiration to me. Bless you, Jill L Ransom

  2. I will surely miss seeing Miss Barbara on our walks around the neighborhood. Always a smile and a kind word for everyone! Best wishes to you in your new home!

  3. Brian – Thank you so very much for the wonderful write up and terrific photos. Too much flattery, but I’ll take it!


    And to ALL my friends and doggies – what a total surprise party. You saw my tears of joy and I was flabbergasted. Thank you all for the gifts, balloons and most of all friendship.
    Hugs to all …. don’t be strangers – come visit anytime.


    P.S. Thanks to all for your kindness, caring and friendship towards Mom. If you care to, send her an email with your phone # as I know she’d love to stay in touch. Thanks, Wayne

  4. Barbara always has a smile and kind word, and she will be missed! God bless you, dear lady!

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