Spoonbill Courier

Postal Issues

By Peggy Gachet

Many of you are probably wondering what is going on recently with the postal service delivery.  I reached out to our neighborhood carrier and learned that he injured himself and required medical attention over a week ago. He will be out for a minimum of one additional week, possibly more.

When I called, there were no long term solutions offered. I was told that the substitute carriers are unable to sort and deliver all mail thus streets maybe skipped. This wasn’t supposed to happen two consecutive days but if you live on View Point Place, you know it has. 

Last week they had two carriers assist with Marsh Creek after their normal route but clearly that system doesn’t always work.

For those who may want to call about delivery, call 904 829 1142. 

If you care to send Harry a card, you may at:

Harry Masters

6010 Winfred  Masters rd.

Elkton 32033

St Augustine, Fl

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