Spoonbill Courier
home Kayak, Marsh Creek Community Paddling Deep Creek

Paddling Deep Creek

By Peter Clayton

Deep Creek has long been a favorite of our group because it’s close, the surroundings are pristine and it offers several paddling options.

On Wednesday, we enjoyed a downstream out-and-back from the SR 207 ramp taking two hours to go just under 5 miles.

The weather was ideal – 76 degrees when we launched at 8:45 – the current was with us and we didn’t see anyone until the very end – a couple of guys in a canoe.

Wildlife were limited to a kingfisher, a pileated woodpecker, a turtle and several anhingas, but three bicyclists passed overhead on the rails-to-trails bridge during our return.

Lunch at Norma D’s in Hastings capped off another superb outing – home by 12:45.

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