Spoonbill Courier

Ocklawaha River

Clyde Brady’s take …

In perfect weather, eight of the group paddled the nine mile section of the Ocklawaha River from Gores Landing to Eureka West, the first time in four years. The water level was high, within a foot of flood level, creating a swift current and a fast paddle speeds, but there were few areas of dry land for a rest stop. We finally found a perfect pull out at about seven miles into the paddle. From Silver River north to Gores Landing there is no evidence of the ill-fated Cross Florida Barge Canal construction, except for the high Hwy 40 Bridge, however from Gores Landing at Hwy 316 to Hwy 19, there are canals, locks and the infamous Kirkpatrick Dam, formerly Rodman Dam and the huge reservoir.

Peter Clayton’s Take …

Thursday’s beautiful weather provided just the right backdrop to the pristine 9 mile stretch of the Ocklawaha from Gore’s Landing to Eureka West. We were in the water by 10:00 after returning to some of our pre-launch rituals – group photo and a beer toast. The high water gave us a strong 2+mph current suitable for some drifting while the emerging spring buds added color to the trees all contributing to a delightful paddle. We saw several smallish (less than 5′) gators, turtles and the usual birdlife including a vocal limpkin.

We found a good rest stop about 2 miles from Eureka on the right side which had a couple of rough roads/trails leading to it – another group shot, beers and relief for nature’s calling. Once back in the water I noticed my boat was becoming less stable which worsened as we proceeded. Unfortunately the patch job I had done to plug a hole in the aft thanks to dragging it over concrete, etc. had given way and the boat was taking on water. Just as I called to Ellis and Clyde for help – over I went. Thanks to the aid of my rescuers, nothing was lost and 30 minutes later I was afloat after draining a lot of water from the hull. At the pull-out we drained more water then decided to leave the boat at Eureka for some industrious paddler to fix up and re-use.

So I claim the honor of the group’s first “sinking/flip from water in the hull”, and first “boat left behind” – dubious distinctions at best.

Corky Bell’s served its usual mix of good food and libations for what Bud christened as “dirunch” – too late for lunch and early for dinner. It’s obviously a popular time as the place was pretty full inside and out by the time we left. Photos will follow – thanks to all for making this another wonderful day – especially my boat rescuers and Alan for the clothes and “leave it here” idea for damaged boat disposal.

Next week we’re looking closer to home – Trout Creek – and Woodpeckers – stay tuned.

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