Spoonbill Courier


By Peggy Gachet

Call it the hazards of the job if you want, but I have noticed so many clean boxes stacked out on trash day to be picked up and destined for the land field. 

Granted some are tired, torn and really can’t be re-used, but I am a little unnerved by all the clean ones I see. 

Maybe that’s just the Conservative Tree Hugger in me (is there such a thing?). 

Then I encounter customers and co-workers looking for boxes. 

In fact, you may have seen me recently (along with friend Manilla) rummaging through what some may feel is trash just to recover those boxes worthy of recycling to donate to yet another weary soul packing for the dreaded move. 

May I offer a service to you? 

If you will break your boxes down and call me at 904 377 0832, I will gladly collect and distribute to others who could re-use them. 

(Just do me a favor, and don’t call me The Box Lady!)

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7 thoughts on “Observations

  1. Appreciate the thought, and a very good one at that. As well as the time, effort and work to make it happen.
    Thank you NOT box lady!

  2. What a wonderful offer of service! My husband and I have boxes in one of our closets but how many boxes can one keep for the future? Thank you, Peggy!

  3. Thanks for doing this. I have a friend who needs boxes soon.
    Why are they never put into the recycle bins? At least that way they don’t go to the land fill. I see them every week, standing next to the garbage cans and 3 feet away from the recycling bin. CARDBOARD CAN BE RECYCLED, maybe folks don’t know that?

  4. Peggy, you will NEVER be called the box lady! Thank you for offering to recycle the used boxes and save the environment. GO GIRL!

  5. You go, girl! I cannot believe the boxes I see that are destined to the landfill, instead of being broken down for recycling. Your offer is super! Thanks for being a fellow tree gugger!

  6. Great idea, Peggy! I too am unnerved by all the waste I see everywhere I go, not that I am going too many places at the moment.

  7. Great plan Peggy! I have been taking mine to a local shipping company and he reuses them for other customers. Re purposed.
    I am gone for the summer but will remember on return to Marsh Creek.

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