Spoonbill Courier
home Marsh Creek Community, Seasonal Nights of Lights #2

Nights of Lights #2

Welcome to Christmas Eve!!

And this means Night 2 of the Marsh Creek Nights of Lights – 2021 edition.

Remember, candles out and illuminated at dusk (around 5:30pm).

(Neighbor’s tip: fold the paper bags down about an inch or so. It makes the bag hold its shape and is sturdier in the wind and the light looks much better. Dan Mantini)

With some neighbors away for the Christmas period, tonight’s event may be a quieter, family affair, but one where parents and children alike can leisurely take to the streets to enjoy the lights.


The Cookie Monster appears to have designated a stopover for tonight’s weary Christmas Eve walkers.

“I will have a table with cookies out for the night of lights. Our address is 217 Marshside Dr.” Andrea Kohn.

Everyone have fun, and Merry Christmas to all! HoHoHo!

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