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home Marsh Creek Community, Seasonal, Spoonbill Neighbors Night of Lights – a Rain Night

Night of Lights – a Rain Night

The 3rd time isn’t always the charm, as last evening’s Night of Lights confirmed with the arrival of inclement weather.

However, all was not lost. Amid the on again-off again confusion in tracking the unexpected rain, the community rallied. Many streets were lined with little white bags of candles, enhancing the festive appearance established by the homes already lit up in seasonal colors.

But by mid evening, there was no mistaking the soggy bags seen collapsed on curbs in puddles of rainwater, and the empty chairs and tables where driveway parties were either cancelled or moved indoors.

Two comments likely encapsulate the feeling after last night’s rain.

John Martin says:

“Looks like lots of people took the time to put out the lights 🙂 Great job everyone for taking the time to bring the people together in the spirit of the holidays.”

Dianna Christakos says:

“You may think of an ultimate date because of rain. This was a disaster”

Our community’s Spoonbill Neighbors spearheaded this event three years ago, back in the depths of Covid-19 (remember that?) to get people out of their homes and mingling safely on the streets. To participate, you had to go out and buy the candles and bags and sand or rocks, and put them out on the street and light each one. And then gather them all up the next morning for the trash. It’s a commitment and many homeowners were willing to make it, to demonstrate the Marsh Creek community spirit for the Holidays.


Should Night of Lights continue in its present form? Should homeowners instead put the effort into lighting up their homes for the season, possibly even including bags of candles down their driveways?

Please leave your thoughts below (wayyyy down below this story…..).

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7 thoughts on “Night of Lights – a Rain Night

  1. The night of lights, luminaria is a great event. It’ brings the neighborhood together and it is festive in a very traditional way. ALL we need for next year is a plan for the weather… a rain date.

  2. I think house decorations would be a great idea. Change of pace and again more excitement as I think last night’s weather put a “damper” on next year’s participation.

  3. Thanks for organizing. We had a nice gathering and met some of our neighbors for the first time (we moved here three years ago). While the luminaries are pretty, they all went into the garbage the next morning. Perhaps we could encourage people to host the gatherings and put a couple of led candles on either side of their driveway that can be reused and then spend the money on another food drive or collect toys for needy children. Just a thought.

  4. How about a weather backup date? The event could have been postponed to tonight or next Friday. It was raining at our house by 7pm so we did not put out our bags. It is a lovely event and we hope it continues!

  5. I think it is a beautiful tradition and hope it continues. It’s minimal effort and cost. How many neighborhoods can pull this off?

  6. Yes. The evening did get soggy but early on there was mingling of neighbors and friends while we admired our handiwork. The luminaries give our community an excuse to share holiday festivities with our neighbors we may not see very often. And, the more people that participate , it gives our neighborhood a beautiful glow. I say Yes, we should do luminaries going forward. We shouldn’t let weather get us down. We should weather on.

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