Spoonbill Courier

New Neighbors!

By Louise Nelson

Recently, the Spoonbill Neighbors Welcome Committee, represented by Peter Clayton and Peggy Steinberg, again rolled out the Marsh Creek Welcome Mat.

Our New Neighbors

Donna Broome – 261 Fiddler’s Point.

Donna and her partner were in the midst of remodeling their new home when we visited. They hope to be settled in by the end of October.

Ann Miller – 325 Marsh Pt. Circle.

Ann happened to be in town for the weekend with a group of girlfriends. She and her husband, Kevin, hope to be fully settled in their new home by mid-September. 

Barbara Cone – 325 Marshside Drive.

Barbara is retired and a widow who previously lived in Europe and moved to March Creek from Davis Shores. Although she had guests, Barbara courteously invited Peter & Peggy on a tour of her new home.  Barbara is a gracious lady and eager to make new friends in Marsh Creek.

Barbara Cone

Oliver and Katie Nixon – 172 Herons Nest

Their children are Connor, Ora and Freya. The family has lived in the area for a while, with Katie calling herself “almost native”. Oliver was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland.  Both have military backgrounds and currently work from home. The family loves Marsh Creek and would like to see more community activities for their children.

The Nixons: Katie and Oliver, Conner, Orla and Freya

If you’d like to join or receive more information about our growing homeowners’ group, please email Spoonbillneighbors@yahoo.com.

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