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Missing Spoonbill Alerts?

More than one person has voiced frustration about not receiving email alerts when new Spoonbill stories are posted. Even their attempts to re-enroll fail.

First, for those of you who haven’t signed up, enrolling makes it really easy to keep abreast of Spoonbill postings. I would encourage you to do so.

Now, for those frustrated enrolees, the reason you are not receiving the alerts is LIKELY due to an over-sight: you missed responding to the original confirmation email immediately sent to you when you signed up. Your enrollment status is still “pending” until you confirm your enrollment through that email. That message may still be at the bottom of your inbox. Try and search for it, using the terms “Spoonbill” or “WordPress”, and follow the instructions in the email.

However, if you can’t find it, try this:

Go to the enrollment box on the Spoonbill front page. Enter your email. You may get this message:

You already have several pending email subscriptions.
Approve or delete a few subscriptions at subscribe.wordpress.com before continuing.

Go ahead and click on that link and follow the instructions.

It worked for Michelle Grobman.

I finally got it to work! I’m not sure what I did, last night I couldn’t figure it out & this morning I got a request form WordPress to reset my password & I now get the Spoonbill! I’m so glad!

WordPress, by the way, is the underlying engine for the Spoonbill site and manages all these back-office functions like enrollment. That’s about as much as I care to know. I just try to play nice and stay in my swim lane.

Anyway, I hope it works, and pass this along to any neighbors who might need it.


Brian Nelson

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