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home Marsh Creek Community MCWA Update – Women Artists of St. Augustine during the Roaring ’20’s.

MCWA Update – Women Artists of St. Augustine during the Roaring ’20’s.

The Marsh Creek Womens’ Association (MCWA) Art Show announces its Creative Community Series.

By An Marshall

On Sunday, October 4th at 4:00 pm, the Marsh Creek Womens’ Association (MCWA) Art Show will host a Zoom presentation by Kay Burtin: “Women Artists of St. Augustine during the Roaring Twenties”

This will be a unique comparison of post-epidemic 1918 to our current times, and the avant-garde nature of artists seeing it as an opportunity for re-invention.

Kay Burtin has been called not only one of the 10 most influential women in St. John’s County, but also the ‘Heart and Soul’ of the St. Augustine Art Association. 

The presentation inaugurates the MCWA’s Creative Community Series, scheduled the first Sunday of each month at 4:00 pm. We will have a guest speaker, workshop or demonstration to keep our creative juices flowing and maintain connection with each other. 

To join our Zoom Meeting:


Password: 984566

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